How to Attend Team Meetings

Once I was approached by a team member and enquired why she is not being given special tasks or not being involved that much in comparison with her another colleague.  Since I had led both team members and knew where she is falling behind. 

I suggested few points to follow, she was no longer feeling left behind and became a dynamic contributor in the team.  Here are 10 points  –

  1.  Always carry notepad and a pen to take notes; do not just walk-in  (be prepared).
  2. Sit attentively and listen to the conversation; do not lean back on chair; or do not keep looking at distant objects and checking time.
  3. Leave your cell phone behind; meetings are important, treat it like that.
  4. Try to capture key points; note down key phrases that you want to have someone clarify for your knowledge.
  5. Participate; ask questions; if not clear, ask speaker to repeat or ask for an example. There are no dumb questions.
  6. Maintain an eye contact; and nod to support the point if you agree.  Wait for speaker to finish sentence before shooting a question.
  7. Observe other people in the meeting; how are they sitting; see who is paying more attention in the group.
  8. Show your interest in the discussion even if you may not be directly impacted or affected. Give your opinion if relevant.
  9. Offer to help or volunteer for any assignment; even if it is setting up team lunch on Friday or giving new hire orientation.
  10. Read something on body language. They way you sit, talk and see, conveys a lot if you are ‘really’ present in meeting.

Any good suggestion?  Need more info, Google it. Thank you for reading and have a great time.

Published by virk

Trusted advisor on project management and leadership. Follow me on Twitter at

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